Now showing items 962-981 of 2536

    • The Gaia System: A Tabletop Projection Mapping System for Raising Environmental Awareness in Islands and Coastal Areas 

      Boletsis, Costas (Chapter, 2022)
      Islands and coastal areas, including those in the Nordic region, are considered highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Raising environmental awareness is a crucial first step towards protecting the ecosystem ...
    • Gaining lead firm position in an emerging industry: A global production networks analysis of two Scandinavian energy firms in offshore wind power 

      Afewerki, Samson; Steen, Markus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Global production networks (GPN) research has given limited attention to lead firms’ competitive strategies in emerging project-based industries (PBIs). Informed by the industry life cycle approach, the authors develop a ...
    • GANs enabled super-resolution reconstruction of wind field 

      Tran, Duy Tan; Robinson, Haakon; Rasheed, Adil; San, Omer; Kvamsdal, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Atmospheric flows are governed by a broad variety of spatio-temporal scales, thus making real-time numerical modeling of such turbulent flows in complex terrain at high resolution computationally unmanageable. In this ...
    • GANs enabled super-resolution reconstruction of wind field 

      Tran, Duy Tan; Robinson, Haakon; Rasheed, Adil; San, Omer; Tabib, Mandar; Kvamsdal, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Atmospheric flows are governed by a broad variety of spatio-temporal scales, thus making real-time numerical modeling of such turbulent flows in complex terrain at high resolution computationally unmanageable. In this ...
    • A gap analysis for automated cargo handling operations with geared vessels frequenting small sized ports 

      Merz, Mariann; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Mørkrid, Odd Erik; Tangstad, Espen Johansen; Fossøy, Synne; Nordahl, Håvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      With the Yara Birkeland, the world’s first autonomous cargo ship developed for commercial use, nearing regular unmanned operation, it is crucial to assess the availability and readiness of unmanned cargo handling solutions. ...
    • Gaps in access and school attainments among people with and without disabilities: a case from Nepal 

      Eide, Arne Henning; Lamichhane, Kamal; Neupane, Shailes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Aim: Many children with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries do not attend school and one-third are out of school. In order to ensure that education is for all including children with disabilities, research is ...
    • GAWPS: A MRST-based module for wellbore profiling and graphical analysis of flow units 

      Oliveira, Gustavo P.; Rodrigues, Thiago N. E.; Lie, Knut-Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Several graphical methods have been developed to understand the stratigraphy observed in wells and assist experts in estimating rock quality, defining limits for barriers, baffles, and speed zones, and in particular, delineating ...
    • A general-purpose distributed pattern mining system 

      Belhadi, Asma; Djenouri, Youcef; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei; Cano, Alberto (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This paper explores five pattern mining problems and proposes a new distributed framework called DT-DPM: Decomposition Transaction for Distributed Pattern Mining. DT-DPM addresses the limitations of the existing pattern ...
    • Generalization and stabilization of exact scattering solutions for spherical symmetric scatterers 

      Venås, Jon Vegard; Jenserud, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In a previous work the authors described a fast high-fidelity computer model for acoustic scattering from multi-layered elastic spheres. This work is now extended with a scaling strategy significantly mitigating the problem ...
    • Generic functionality in user interfaces for emergency response 

      Nilsson, Erik Gösta; Stølen, Ketil (Research report, 2011)
      In this report we use findings from a number of empirical studies involving different emergency response actors to identify shared or overlapping needs for user interfaces functionality.  By analyzing the findings ...
    • Generic functionality in user interfaces for emergency response 

      Nilsson, Erik Gøsta; Stølen, Ketil (Chapter, 2011)
      In this paper we use findings from a number of empirical studies involving different emergency response actors to identify shared or overlapping needs for user interfaces functionality. By analyzing the findings from these ...
    • Geographical and temporal patterns of interstate security competition: Global and regional evidence 

      Jakobsen, Jo; Halvorsen, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article tests what seems to be a reasonably widespread perception, namely, that the last few years have witnessed intensified interstate security competition in several of the world’s regions. Specifically, we investigate ...
    • Geometric Change Detection in Digital Twins using 3D Machine Learning 

      Sundby, Tiril; Graham, Julia Maria; Rasheed, Adil; Tabib, Mandar; San, Omer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Digital twins are meant to bridge the gap between real-world physical systems and virtual representations. Both stand-alone and descriptive digital twins incorporate 3D geometric models, which are the physical representations ...
    • Geometry Processing and Hetrogeneous Computing 

      Dokken, Tor (Lecture, 2008)
      As parallel computing resources have been too expensive for most of the CAGD community, efficient implementation of algorithms outside of High Performance Computing (HPC) has until a few years ago been following the ...
    • Gevinstanalyse av IMATIS i Bærum kommune. Økonomisk analyse av konsekvenser av bruk på Dønski bo og behandlingssenter 

      Hem, Karl-Gerhard; Halvorsen, Trond Uhre; Boysen, Elin Sundby; Svagård, Ingrid Storruste (Research report, 2016)
      Siden midten av 2013 har det vært gjennomført en utprøving av samhandlingsteknologien IMATIS Visi ved fire tjenestesteder i Bærum kommune. Det er tidligere dokumentert en rekke kvalitative og kvantitative effekter ved ...
    • Glioblastoma Surgery Imaging-Reporting and Data System: Validation and Performance of the Automated Segmentation Task 

      Bouget, David Nicolas Jean-Marie; Eijgelaar, Roelant; Pedersen, André; Kommers, Ivar; Ardon, Hilko; Barkhof, Frederik; Bello, Lorenzo; Berger, Mitchel S.; Nibali, Marco Conti; Furtner, Julia; Fyllingen, Even Hovig; Hervey-Jumper, Shawn; Idema, Albert J. S.; Kiesel, Barbara; Kloet, Alfred; Mandonnet, Emmanuel; Müller, Domenique M. J.; Robe, Pierre; Rossi, Marco; Sagberg, Lisa Millgård; Sciortino, Tommaso; van den Brink, Wimar A.; Wagemakers, Michiel; Widhalm, Georg; Witte, Marnix G.; Zwinderman, Aeilko H.; Reinertsen, Ingerid; Hamer, Philip C De Witt; Solheim, Ole (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      For patients with presumed glioblastoma, essential tumor characteristics are determined from preoperative MR images to optimize the treatment strategy. This procedure is time-consuming and subjective, if performed by crude ...
    • Glioblastoma Surgery Imaging—Reporting and Data System: Standardized Reporting of Tumor Volume, Location, and Resectability Based on Automated Segmentations 

      Kommers, Ivar; Bouget, David Nicolas Jean-Marie; Pedersen, André; Eijgelaar, Roelant; Ardon, Hilko; Barkhof, Frederik; Bello, Lorenzo; Berger, Mitchel S.; Nibali, Marco Conti; Furtner, Julia; Fyllingen, Even Hovig; Hervey-Jumper, Shawn; Idema, Albert J. S.; Kiesel, Barbara; Kloet, Alfred; Mandonnet, Emmanuel; Müller, Domenique M. J.; Robe, Pierre; Rossi, Marco; Sagberg, Lisa Millgård; Sciortino, Tommaso; van den Brink, Wimar A.; Wagemakers, Michiel; Widhalm, Georg; Witte, Marnix G.; Zwinderman, Aeilko H.; Reinertsen, Ingerid; Solheim, Ole; De Witt Hamer, Philip C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Treatment decisions for patients with presumed glioblastoma are based on tumor characteristics available from a preoperative MR scan. Tumor characteristics, including volume, location, and resectability, are often estimated ...
    • Global report on assistive technology 

      Antypas, Konstantinos; Austin, Victoria; Banes, David; Blakstad, Mats; Boot, Fleur Heleen; Botelho, Fernando; Burton, Angela; Calvo, Irene; Cook, Albert M.; Dasgupta, Rajib; Desideri, Lorenzo; Ebuenyi, Ikenna; Encarnação, Pedro; France, Tim; Gupta, Shivani; Holloway, Catherine; Johnson, Ceridwen; MacLachlan, Malcolm; Mannan, Hasheem; Marella, Manjula; McKinnon, Iain; Polgar, Jan; Muller, Sébastien; Layton, Natasha; Loeb, Micthell; Øderud, Tone; Patrick, Mikaela; Pryor, Wesley; Aniyamuzaala, James Rwampigi; Shae, Kylie; Sharma, Shweta; Singh, Ravinder; Smith, Emma; Tardiff, Claude (Research report, 2022)
      There is a large, unmet need for assistive technology worldwide. The Global report on assistive technology was developed in response to the World Health Assembly resolution (WHA71.8) on improving access to assistive ...
    • Global Transformer Architecture for Indoor Room Temperature Forecasting 

      Clemente, Alfredo; Nocente, Alessandro; Ruocco, Massimiliano (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A thorough regulation of building energy systems translates in relevant energy savings and in a better comfort for the occupants. Algorithms to predict the thermal state of a building on a certain time horizon with a good ...
    • GNSS-Denied Navigation using Direction of Arrival from Low-Cost Software Defined Radios and Signals of Opportunity 

      Winter, Adrian; Sokolova, Nadezda; Morrison, Aiden J; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper describes a novel navigation system for outdoor navigation in conditions where reliable satellite navigation cannot be assumed. It is build around inexpensive of-the-shelf hardware and could be used with several ...