• A hybrid approach for solving real-world nurse rostering problems 

      Stølevik, Martin; Nordlander, Tomas; Frøyseth, Helle; Riise, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Nurse rostering is the process of creating a plan for nurse working hours over a given time horizon. This problem, most variants of which are NP-hard, has been studied extensively for many years. Still, practical nurse ...
    • A mathematical model for the nurse rostering system 

      Stølevik, Martin; Nordlander, Tomas; Riise, Atle (Research report, 2011)
      The model we present in this report is mainly developed on work done together with the company Gatsoft AS. With minor changes and extensions, a version of the model has been implemented and delivered to Gatsoft as a plug-in ...
    • A framework for integrated resource planning in surgical clinics 

      Bovim, Thomas Reiten; Gullhav, Anders Nordby; Andersson, Henrik; Riise, Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The problem under study is based on the challenges faced by the Orthopaedic Clinic at St. Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim, Norway. Variations in demand and supply cause fluctuating waiting lists, and it is challenging to level ...
    • Parallel Local search for the CVRP on the GPU 

      Schulz, Christian Ferdinand; Hasle, Geir; Kloster, Oddvar; Riise, Atle; Smedsrud, Morten (Lecture, 2010)
      For many applications of optimized transportation management, there is still a large gap between the requirements and the performance of today’s decision support systems. Vehicle routing is no exception. Although there has ...
    • Scheduling Vehicles with Spatial Conflicts 

      Kloster, Oddvar; Mannino, Carlo; Riise, Atle; Schittekat, Patrick (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      When scheduling the movement of individual vehicles on a traffic network, one must ensure that they never get too close to one another. This is normally modelled by segmenting the network and forbidding two vehicles to ...
    • The Surgery Scheduling Problem - A General Model 

      Riise, Atle; Mannino, Carlo (Research report, 2012)
      The term surgery scheduling is used about a variety of strategic, tactical and operational scheduling problems, many of which are critical to an efficient use of hospital resources. Our focus is on operational surgery ...